Chilliwack Child and Youth Committee (CYC)

What is CYC?
The Chilliwack Child and Youth Committee (CYC) is an interagency group collaborating on services for children and families at the community level.
Collaborative initiatives of the CYC include:
- Chilliwack CYC Website (
- Every Door is the Right Door (EDRD) Initiative (winner of the 2014 Premier’s Award)
- Annual Conversation on Chilliwack’s Children and Youth
- Family Resource Guide (updated annually)
The Chilliwack Child and Youth Committee aspires to enhance and develop services which contribute to the health and wellness of children, youth, and families at risk in the Chilliwack community. In partnership with service providers, business, and government, we aspire that Chilliwack be a community where all children, youth, and families thrive.
The Chilliwack Child and Youth Committee (CYC) provides leadership and advocacy in the delivery of human/social services to children, youth, and their families. Our mission is to work collaboratively in the design, implementation, and evaluation of the continuum of services.
We believe:
- The needs of children, youth, and families are generally best met within their family and community.
- In a continuum of family and community-based services
- In the value of the family and recognize that our community influences the character and development of our children, youth, and families.
- In community collaboration in planning, decision-making, and allocation of resources
- In the promotion of wellness, with an emphasis on prevention
- The quality of the decision-making process strongly influences the outcome (which includes participation by those affected, empowerment, relationship building, open and honest communication, and respect)
- Every person has worth and deserves to be treated with dignity.
- Honouring individual and group diversity promotes respect and dignity.
- Children, youth, and their families are a high priority for resource allocation.